A corvette Stingray
Is a corvette Stingray.
Most people do not call it a Chevy.
A Porsche is a Porsche.
Not many people call it a Volkswagen
But in your way of thinking it is all the same..
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
A corvette Stingray
Is a corvette Stingray.
Most people do not call it a Chevy.
A Porsche is a Porsche.
Not many people call it a Volkswagen
But in your way of thinking it is all the same..
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
no icelanders under the age of 25 believe the creation story that god was responsible for creating the universe, a new poll claims.the poll, commissioned by the icelandic ethical humanist association, claims that 93.9 per cent in the under 25 category responded that the universe was created by the big bang.
just over 6 per cent responded with ‘don’t know’ or ‘other’.
none of the respondents, however, believed that the universe had been created by god.
Iceland has 1/3 the population of the little county I live in in Florida. Pinellas county.
It would not be very hard to make them all believe in whatever they want to make them believe in. There are not very many of them.
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
I think all of mans problems are because man dose not follow the 10 commandments. - James Brown
Are you going by the Elohist version at Exodus 20 or the Yahwist list at Exodus 34?
It was very important to Yahweh not to cook a kid in its mothers milk. In fact I think you are on to something. That is what's wrong with the world today, too much boiling of kids in milk!
That is mosaic law not the 10 commandments.
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
In my opinion the bible is written with symbols, metaphors, allegories and other literary devices and one must spend a lifetime studying and reading it.
I think all of mans problems are because man dose not follow the 10 commandments.
Gods desire to be worshipped by humans is God directing people to focus on him and the 10 commandments.
On this earth people can choose if they want to live in an orderly Godly way or be free to pursue whatever whim pleases their fancy.
No one knows what happens after we die. But the bible says that those who love God and his ways will be with him. And those who do not love God and his ways will not be with him.
Why does God act the way he does? No one knows for sure. The Bible describes his actions as being based on love.
I think you can spend the rest of your life trying to figure out and find answers to why things are the way they are from there is no God to various theories on why things are the way they are.
In my opinion a loving creator would and did give man free will.
I can't prove but that is what I think.
it embarrassed me.
when i was young my folks made me wear one and i opened it up and took the paper out making it look like it fell out.
after my folks ask what happen i said i dont know.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown, I think you're trolling :)
How about giving me some of your money instead?
I guess theoretically, I am trolling.
Most people here are trolling the post something to elicit a response, a bite.
I don't think I am trying to piss people off.
I say watch Hovinds videos and believe or don't believe.
And then after I originally said that, I just post to other people posting.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
So when people die and they wanted to live in sin and deny God, it makes sense to me that they would go to hell a place of darkness and eternal cutting off.
And this is one of the reasons I do not believe in God. Because a maniac that would torture people for eternity just because he can't be bothered to give clear evidence of his existence smacks of bullshit. Its a God that I would truly abhor and this universe although sometimes cruel and ambivalent is not remotely as wicked as the God that you are describing.
I personally don't believe that God tortures people in hell. I think people that go to hell torture themselves because after being given all the information they made the wrong decision.
Most likely to satisfy there urge to practice one of the 7 deadly sins.
I think hell is just like when I worked in the jail. People did wrong they knew they were doing wrong and they were there to do their time. To pay for their crime.
I've seen many hard guys go from hard guys to cry baby's when they get life sentences or 10 to 20.
I don't mean to try to scare you. I am not. It's just a big slice of life, I have seen.
Either Hovind, the bible, God makes sense to you or it doesn't
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
If you watched Hovinds videos and don't believe why do you want to keep discussing?
I cant help you and you cant help me.
There are a lot of Ad hominem attacks against Hovind. I have read a lot of the details and would say from reading the impartial details that Hovind was involved in some serious spiritual warfare.
The prosecutor who prosecuted him was a pedophile who was arrested for pedophilia and committed suicide in jail.
Hovind says he was not in jail for tax evasion but for structuring. Taking money out of his own account.
I wouldn't believe the wickpedia account on why he was in jail as they site no references.
Why doesn't wikepedia print the federal adjudication that he was found guilty of tax evasion?
I have just spent some time trying to read the specifics on why Hovind went to jail. I am not convinced he went to jail for tax evasion.
If you have some reliable evidence please share. It may be out there. I haven't seen it yet.
Lets say Hovind is or was guilty of tax evasion. That really has nothing to do with the information on his videos.
Truth is truth and truth is where you find it.
God made Balsams ass talk.
Either you believe what Hovind says in his videos or you don't
I believe most of what he says and you don't believe what he says.
I believe in the God of the Bible and you don't.
You have watched the videos read the bible and made your decision.
Case settled, have a nice life.
End of story.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.
I have listened to many hours of Hovind. Either his knowledge of evolutionary biology is woeful or he is deceitful.
Unless you have read some science books on the topic it would be easy to fall for his sophistry.
I have read Anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 college Biology and chemistry Psychology 1 and 2. Algebra, trig, calculus, those are the basics the textbooks of the facts everything after that is theoretical imaginative.
Your evolutionary Gods went to many years of schooling and brainwashing to come to be deluded that man the earth the universe the sun the stars came into being without a designer.
You don't have to go to church or be an ex jw to believe there was a designer God, creator. That is the default position we all start from.
You have to go to school read lots of stupid books for years to ever get deluded and brainwashed enough to believe there is no God, creator, designer.
I don't know if it is all the tv you watch, the movies, the chemtrails they spray in the sky or like the bible says you are willfully ignorant.
I retired from working in the county jails as a correction officer. I know one thing everybody has and is working an angle.
Either you are after dirty money or dirty sex. That is always the bottom line.
But if you are after the truth you know there is a God.
Most everybody here knew there was a God once and then they rebelled.
I think everyone is right to rebel against the watchtower but its not right to rebel against God.
The watchtower was part of your journey and growth as a human.
So which of the 7 deadly sins makes you deny your creator?